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Builtin Functions

Samosa has a few builtin functions (more will be added soon, in addition to a small standard library). Some builtin functions have overloads.

Table of contents

  1. (expression) -> putout
  2. () -> putinInt: int
  3. () -> putinBoolie: boolie
  4. () -> putinString: string
  5. (stringexpr) -> stoi: int
  6. (intexpr) -> itos: string
  7. (intexpr) -> exit

(expression) -> putout

This function takes a single argument and prints it to stdout, and prints a newline after it. It returns nothing. The argument can be a string, int or a boolie (three overloads). Example:


bro, i: int = 0.
bro, str: string = "hello ".
bro, boolVal: boolie = "boolieVal".

(i) -> putout.
(str) -> putout.
(boolVal) -> putout.


() -> putinInt: int

Takes in an int as user input (from stdin). Example:

bro, anInt = () -> putinInt.

/* or: */

bro, anInt: int = () -> putinInt.

() -> putinBoolie: boolie

Similar to putinInt but inputs a boolean value.

bro, aBoolie = () -> putinBoolie.

/* or: */

bro, aBoolie: boolie = () -> putinBoolie.

() -> putinString: string

Similar to putinInt but inputs a string value.

bro, aString = () -> putinString.

/* or: */

bro, aString: string = () -> putinString.

(stringexpr) -> stoi: int

Converts a string to an int. Takes a string as argument. Will throw an exception if the number is of the wrong format.

(intexpr) -> itos: string

Converts an int to a string. Takes an int as argument.

(intexpr) -> exit

Exits and stops the program. Takes an integer argument as an exit code.

This section will be updated as new builtin functions are added.